Welcome to the Future of Hospital Mobility
Learn more about how Bedside Bike can revolutionize your hospital's performance metrics and quality scores
Eliminate $30,000 in annual CMS payment reductions per bike
Increase HCAHPS patient satisfaction by 30%
Decrease average inpatient length of stay by 1 day
Gain 2+ hours of physical therapy without more staffing
Note: Figures estimated using modeled values from published mobility literature pending final results from Bedside Bike clinical trial.
How immobility is hurting your hospital
Increased Hospital Readmissions
Lower HCAHPS Quality Scores
Increased Falls

Increased Lengths-of-Stay
Increased Hospital-Acquired Infections
Payment Reductions Due to Poorer Scores and Metrics
How does Bedside Bike help?
The Bedside Bike has been designed to be clamped to ANY hospital bed
Set-up takes <30 seconds and can be done by ANY staff member
The Bedside Bike has adjustable resistance that can suit ANY patient
The Bedside Bike allows bed bound patients to continue exercising throughout the day without additional staff assistance
The Bedside Bike interrupts the vicious cycle of immobility and optimizes patient health outcomes during and after a hospitalization
The Bedside Bike directly improves key hospital performance metrics (eg readmission rate, length of stay)